Moving Tips: What You Can Do To Make Your Move Less Stressful
If you take a look at polls and surveys, you’ll find that moving house is up there with changing jobs and planning a wedding when it comes to the most stressful things you can do in life. If you’re gearing up for a big move, and you’re dreading the packing, lifting and putting away, here are some top tips to make your life a little easier.
Plan in advance
Planning in advance is incredibly beneficial when you’re moving house. As soon as you have a date in mind, start packing up the items you won’t need before you relocate, book a removal service and try and get your friends and family to help out. This doesn’t have to involve heavy lifting or helping you cart beds up and down the stairs. If you’ve got children, for example, you could ask your parents or your best friend to babysit for a few hours while you get from A to B with your belongings. Write a list of everything you need to do before you move, and work your way through it. Cancel contracts, change addresses, and get organised as early as possible.
Label your cardboard boxes
When you’re packing, it’s really useful to grab a marker pen or some labels and write the desired destination of every box. This will make unpacking so much easier when you get to the other end. You don’t want to find boxes of pans and cutlery in your bedroom after a long day. Label every box and make sure it ends up where it’s supposed to be. Make sure you wrap valuable, fragile items and put a warning on the box. Check out our range of packaging supplies and materials.
Store your stuff
If you’ve got too much stuff to move in a single day or you’re downsizing, and you’re not going to have enough room for everything, look into the option of storing your belongings in a secure unit. You can unpack everything you’ve got in your new home and then try and find space for your stuff in storage, or you can take items from your old house to prevent moving things that you’re not going to use or need in your new house. It’s always a good idea to have a clearout when you move. Once you’ve done this, you can store everything you want to keep, but you don’t have space for, in your storage unit.
Pack some essentials
When you’re knee-deep in boxes, and you’ve been on your feet for 12 hours already, the last thing you want is to be scrabbling around for a mug, some tea bags and your pyjamas. Pack an overnight bag with essentials you’re going to need that night and a change of clothes for the morning. This will enable you to relax on your first night in your new home.
Are you moving house? Moving is notoriously stressful, but there are lots of things you can do to eliminate the hassle and make life a little less fraught. Hopefully, these tips will come in handy, and you’ll be settled in your new home in no time.
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- January 29, 2025|1 min read